Our scientists and development teams are constantly working on new ways to improve the properties and quality of the seed.
Seed technology
Our development team within seed technology has a unique expertise in seed production and the factors that influence the quality of the seed.
The work of the development team has resulted in a quality concept called MARIBO SeedPlus.
MARIBO SeedPlus is an improved quality concept for sugar beet seed, where the seed receives specialised selection and treatment during the entire production process.
Sugar beet breeding
Since 1920 we have been actively involved in sugar beet breeding and have always been an innovator, introducing new improved sugar beet varieties.
Our pioneering work into clean beets is a good example of the result of a long-term close collaboration between our development teams and the sugar industry. After more than 15 years´ research and development we can today offer a portfolio of sugar beet varieties, which compared to previous varieties have to a great extent reduced the soil tare.